Donut Cookies


Who doesn't like donuts? 

Who doesn't like cookies?

Then I can't think of anyone who wouldn't like these adorable donut cookies, which are perfect for National Donut day! They are just so cute and were so easy to make!

Supplies and Recipes


For these cookies, you will need:

  • Cookies shaped like donuts, which I cut out using a large circle cutter and a small circle cutter.
  • Royal icing thinned to flood consistency in light brown, dark brown, pink, and white
  • Piping bags or zip-top bags
  • Sprinkles or jimmies
  • Toothpick or scribe tool

How to Make Them


Outline the cookie with light brown flood consistency icing. Let the outline dry for about 1 minute. 


Fill in the entire outline with flood consistency icing. Use a scribe tool or toothpick to pop any bubbles. Then let crust over for at least 10 minutes, if not longer.


Outline the frosting in pink, dark brown, or white (or any other color) flood consistency royal icing. Let the outline dry for about a minute. 


Fill the outline with flood consistency icing.


Immediately sprinkle on sprinkles.


Now if you can't decide between a donut and a cookie, you don't have have to choose!


They are perfect with a cup of coffee!