Brush Embroidery Pumpkin Cookies

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For Easter, I decided a new-to-me technique called brush embroidery. It’s a a technique where you actually paint icing onto the cookies. Well, first you pipe, then you use a brush to sort of paint the details.

I absolutely loved how the Easter bunnies turned out and have been looking for a reason to make another version.

Enter the pumpkin! Pumpkin-shaped cookies are such a wonderful canvas for just about any sort of technique you may want to try. Hence why I did both brush embroidery and this super easy wooden effect.

I love the darker cookies and rustic wooden look for Fall and think they work perfectly with the pumpkin shape. What do you think?

One thing I have to warn you about is that the brush embroidery is a bit of a time commitment. While not hard to accomplish, there is a bit more labor involved. But it’s totally worth it for cookies this pretty!

What You Need

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To make these cookies, you will need:

  • Sugar Cookies cut into pumpkin shapes. I have several sets of pumpkin cookie cutters, and my favorites are those that are enameled metal cutters in various sizes. You could also make pumpkin spice sugar cookies, which would be perfect for these cookies.

  • Royal icing in piping consistency icing. That is icing that forms a soft peak when a spoon is lifted up from the surface of the icing.

  • Gel food coloring in your favorite fall colors. To make the wood planks, I used chocolate brown, black, and white. The blue pumpkins are a mix of navy and turquoise, and the flowers are various shades of red, orange, and burgundy.

  • A couple paint brushes. You can use cheap craft brushes, but make sure that they have never been used with paint. They should only be used for food.

  • Piping bags or zip top bags for piping the icing. Since there is very little precision involved, no need to waste your piping bags on this project. Use cheap, readily accessible zip top bags!

  • A scribe tool or toothpick and a sharp straight edge, like a bench scraper or a knife to form the lines in the wooden plank cookie.

  • Metallic paint if you want to add some fun gold or metallic accents, like I did with the word “Fall”

How to Make Them