Mom Tattoo Cookies


Now if there is anything I know about my mom, it's that she hates tattoos. I am pretty sure she would disown me if I ever got one. However, I think there is something sweet about a tough guy with a mom tattoo. Everyone has a soft spot for their mom. 

Which is what inspired these Mom Tattoo Cookies. 

So while my mom may not appreciate a Mom Tattoo Cookies, maybe your mom will! Especially if she has some ink of her own! They are incredibly fun and easy to make if you need a last minute treat for Mother's Day.

How to Make Them

Whether your mom likes tattoos or not, I bet she would appreciate these homemade Mom Tattoo cookies! They are simple to make by painting directly on top of dried royal icing. First, cover the entire cookie with plain flood consistency royal icing. Let the icing dry overnight.

Start by making your sugar cookie dough and cutting it out into shapes. I used old Valentine's Day cookie cutters that were perfect for this tattoo-inspired cookie. 

Then outline and fill the entire cookie with plain flood consistency royal icing. Let the icing dry completely (overnight is preferred), then start painting!

I recommend outlining the shapes with a very faint line of paint first. You can go back and make corrections like you can see me do in the video. Then, when you are happy with your design, fill it in. 



There are only a few supplies you will need for these cookies, and you may already have most of these on hand. 

You only need two colors of food coloring: red and black. For both colors, I diluted them with a bit of clear alcohol (vodka) to get different shades, like a light red and dark red, and a black and a light grey. 

If you have painted on cookies before, then you probably already have some paint brushes laying around. If not, please only use brand new brushes that have never been used with paint. Just head out to your local craft store and pick up some cheap brushes. Or, if they have a baking section, then you can use brushes specifically for food, like these. 


Lastly, you will need an edible ink marker. I think it's what makes these cookies really stand out and look like an actual tattoo.